Lasse Böhm

Hi, I’m Lasse. I’m 13 years old and I’m a wingfoiler from Kiel, Germany. I usually ride at spots around Kiel. Most of the time you’ll find me on the water in Surendorf. In my holidays I love to ride the waves in Hanstholm, DK.

Favorite spot
Hanstholm, DK
  • 3rd @ Open German Championship
  • Socials


    Please introduce yourself a little for those who don’t know you
    Hi, I’m Lasse. I’m 13 years old and I’m a wingfoiler from Kiel, Germany. I usually ride at spots around Kiel. Most of the time you’ll find me on the water in Surendorf. In my holidays I love to ride the waves in Hanstholm, DK.
    Why, and at what age did you get into winging?
    My father hast been into watersports for many years. When he started wingfoiling I was instantly hooked and wanted to try it myself. I’ve been wingfoiling for two years know and I love it. I try to be on the water as often as possible.
    What about winging do you enjoy most?
    I like waveriding and freestyle best but I also enjoy racing sometimes.
    Describe the absolute perfect dream session to us.
    My perfect session would be in Hanstholm with 20kn of wind and 2m waves. Right know I’m working on my backflips and tabletop 360s.
    What gear are you riding and what’s your favorite size?
    I’m currently riding the Supernatural wings and the 35l Feather board. My favourite wingsize is 3.0qm. It’s perfect for rotations and waveriding too.
    What do you do on a day without wind?
    When there’s no wind at all, I go pumpfoiling or towfoiling behind our boat.
    What can people expect to see from you in the future?
    I’ m trying to take part in some more competitions next year and hopefully achieve some good placements. But I also want to travel and ride spots together with my friends and family.

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