Feather LW

Displacement hull design

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FEATHER Light Wind opens up a new world of light wind riding.

Key points

Displacement hull design
The concept for FEATHER LW is to take off on the foil at the lowest speed possible with the least amount of effort. This works perfectly when doing downwind with a paddle, and opens up an entirely new world of light-wind wingfoiling.

Go out when nobody else is
There’s two ways to use this board. Use it in light winds with a small wing, or take a big SSD wing and have a blast in absolute marginal conditions when everybody else is still on the shore.

No more no-wind-days
Many of us have busy lives, and we only get certain windows of time when we can go out, that don’t always align with the wind. FEATHER LW changes the game, opening up all those evenings and weekends that weren’t rideable before.

Easy to ride
The narrow width of these boards might make it look hard to ride. But the big foil and flat deck make it very stable, plus the added stability of instantly getting enough speed to stabilise the whole setup. You will be surprised at how easy this board is to ride!

Nose and tail design
The nose outline and rocker are designed to smoothly open up any water in front for the least resistance. The convex shape menas pushing it underwater doesn’t build up any water in front of it. The sharp tail shape releases the water smoothly for very little drag.

Easy pumping
Thanks to this shape, you don’t need expert pumping techniques to get going in barely any wind. The board allows you to gain speed, and you can focus on your regular wing pumps to smoothly take off like an airplane.




Displacement hull design

The hull length and hull speed are related to each other by a 0.35 ratio. Meaning the longer the hull, the higher your non-planing speed will become. A little extra length adds a lot of hull speed, meaning you'll easily reach your foil's take-off speed while still on the water.

Bowstem nose

The bowstem nose with a fairly high rocker helps open up the water in front of the board. When the nose dives underwater, the convex shape reduces drag making it very easy to maintain speed.

Water release tail

The sharp tail outline under the board closes the waterline nicely for the least amount of drag possible.

Flat deck

The standing position is quite flat, so your are stable and can use most of the width of the board to position your feet.